ghostland017 A person who has submitted this picture to a website writes, "This picture was sent to me from a friend who recently went on vacation to Japan. She had been planning on visiting the Mansion (a well known haunted sight in the area and focus for our favorite video game Fatal Frame) so I was not overly surprised to find she had sent me a picture of it. I was surprised however that she claimed to have captured a ghost on film. A woman in a dress or, more likely, a kimono standing by one of the doors. It seemed perfectly likely at the time and she was so spooked up over it, so much so that she told me not to go there (something I had been planning on doing), that I did not doubt her. Unfortunately during some research I located a picture of the mansion that was similar to the one she sent me and became suspicious. I confronted her over it and she swore that she had not faked the picture. I took a closer look and saw that there were some differences between the pictures. The lighting and quality were different as well as the angle (though only slightly). While looking I also noticed something else. A second figure in the picture that she had not noticed."