ghostdec06_02 A person who has submitted this picture to a website writes, "We had just finished decorating the tree, myself, my husband, and our 3 kids ( 12,7,6 yr old) The kids were watching TV (you'll see the TV reflection in the window), and I decided to take some pics of the decorations - to use one as a Signature on where I am a forum moderator.  I asked the kids to sit on the loveseat opposite from the couch and windows and the tree that you see in the attached pics. ghostdec06_03  They sat there and waited for me to get done and I went to upload the pics from the cam card.   To my amazement, there this was.  None of us saw it with our eyes.. nor did I feel anything strange, but then again, things have been strange since we moved in so I'm used to it now I guess.  The pic was taken with an older Kodak ds digital science DC210 Zoom Camera Megapixel.ghostdec06_01  In only one pic the flash was used, I turned it off to capture the ambience of the candles and holiday lights.   I have included comparison pics from the following day that show more of the area in better lighting.  I would greatly appreciate any time and opinions on this ... It has been rather un nerving seeing it, I guess I was more ok knowing I wasn't living here "alone" and really didn't need to witness it. Thank you so very much!"