This item was sold on an online auction
  We are a door manufacturing company that manufactures doors with both solid hardwood panels and hardwood plywood panels.  This door was manufactured with solid plywood panels. ghostdec06_14 The type of wood is poplar in both the door and the plywood.  The plywood was manufactured by Columbia, and was probably never seen by anyone, since the plywood manufacturing process is almost totally automated. ghostdec06_15 No one saw the other side of the plywood panel until it was almost finished.  We decided not to ship the door to the customer, since it wouldn't be something most people would want in their house. You can see the face in the panel 100 feet away, and up close.  It is a naturally occurring pattern in veneer, that was doubled when the veneer was made by machine, giving it a face in the veneer. It would probably be a one in a million occurrence.