A person who has submitted this picture to a website writes, "This picture was taken at a Cemetery here in West Virginia. A friend and I were visiting a friends grave and we had our children with us. We were just snapping a few pictures with a HP Photosmart M305 digital camera. We were getting ready to leave and I had just put my son in the car and was coming around to put her daughter in the other side. The door would not open and it was unlocked. I told my friend (Amber) to take a picture because I had heard they they will sometimes mess with you equipment. Well, Her camera even stopped working for a few seconds then she snapped a picture. We didn't know what we had captured until we got home and downloaded it onto a computer.
It totally creeped us out. There is what looks like an old Mountaineer looking man on the other side of the car where I had just put my son in and there looks to be a young man standing by the tree with a blue shirt on. He looks as if he is smiling. The blue thing that you see on top of the old mans head is actually a blue Tarp covering wood at a house over there, We went back to check it out and noticed the tarp but you can still clearly see that he is of the Mountaineer era. This is the best picture we had ever taken. We did have it copyrighted so that I could post it. If you can , You may bring it in closer or do whatever you have to do to try and bring them in clearer. You can e-mail me with any questions. Thanks, Dawn & Amber"