A person who has submitted this picture to a website writes, "This picture was taken in a small village called Blackville, NB. the house is located right beside a graveyard. the picture was taken by friends of my sister as the house was being torn down. it was a cloudy day, so there was no sun that day. after the pics were developed they noticed there was something odd about it. there are three crosses floating in the picture. the large cross is to the left of the machine but higher than the machine.
the next cross is just above the ground at the left of the machine. finally the smallest cross looks as if it is just rising out of the ground to the left of the machine. the thing is, is that there are no crosses on that property. I am trying to get a copy of that one as well and will send it as soon as I get it. I live in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, and the picture was taken at Blackville, New Brunswick.
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