A person who has submitted this picture to a website writes, "This photo I am sending caught my eye when I transferred it from my camera to the PC, It was taken on the 15th July on the train from Marylebone Station, London after 7pm. The window against which I was sitting had a lot on condensation within it. There was about 2 inches of water at the bottom.
It was difficult to see outside the window because of this condensation. If you look at the photo you can make out distinct figures. Firstly there seems to be 2 figures embracing. The figure on the left seems to have an arm raised whilst the figure to the right seems to have an arm around the other. To the left of these figures, there seems to be 2 people sat down with their backs towards us. The left figure seems to be toasting with his arm raised and a glass in his hand (zoom in for better look). There seem to be other faint images within this, like a face staring towards me (just above the toasting figure, again zoom needed). I suppose it could be a trick of lights but you have to admit that it’s a rather uncanny snap."