A person who has submitted this picture to a website writes, "We had just finished decorating the tree, myself, my husband, and our 3 kids ( 12,7,6 yr old) The kids were watching TV (you'll see the TV reflection in the window), and I decided to take some pics of the decorations - to use one as a Signature on AsylumCam.com- where I am a forum moderator. I asked the kids to sit on the loveseat opposite from the couch and windows and the tree that you see in the attached pics.
They sat there and waited for me to get done and I went to upload the pics from the cam card. To my amazement, there this was. None of us saw it with our eyes.. nor did I feel anything strange, but then again, things have been strange since we moved in so I'm used to it now I guess. The pic was taken with an older Kodak ds digital science DC210 Zoom Camera Megapixel.
In only one pic the flash was used, I turned it off to capture the ambience of the candles and holiday lights. I have included comparison pics from the following day that show more of the area in better lighting. I would greatly appreciate any time and opinions on this ... It has been rather un nerving seeing it, I guess I was more ok knowing I wasn't living here "alone" and really didn't need to witness it. Thank you so very much!"