A person who has submitted this picture to a website writes, "I would really appreciate your take on this picture. My sister and her husband went to Savannah, Georgia and took a ghost tour this June. When she was going through all the pictures that she had taken she found this...what seems to me to be a mask of some sort...but it doesn't seem to be attached to anything. She took quite a few
pictures of
this house and this is the only one that had this in it. The ONLY alterations that I made to this pic is making it lighter so it could be seen. I don't think it is a reflection because I think it wouldn't be that clear if it were. I would really like to know what you think of this picture...and feel free to post it if you would like. Click on pics to enlarge
A person who has submitted this picture to a website writes, "Can you please take a look at these. I CAPPED them the other day, and my instincts (which I listen to) told me to start clicking and then it ended.
As you can see, suddenly faces started appearing large and the TV was not on. The background of the living room is reflected, as is always true when the TV is off in this house. The faces are actually something that I have seen in ITC website. In fact, one face you can see through to the reflection of the living room reflecting off the TV.
There is one cap that the dog on the couch is starring at, and I call the cap "CASPER" since it looks like Casper the ghost. I really would love your input.
I study ITC and EVPs. I saw on your website a topic about AMC communication. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated."
Labels: Soul
A person who has submitted this picture to a website writes, "This photo I am sending caught my eye when I transferred it from my camera to the PC, It was taken on the 15th July on the train from Marylebone Station, London after 7pm. The window against which I was sitting had a lot on condensation within it. There was about 2 inches of water at the bottom.
It was difficult to see outside the window because of this condensation. If you look at the photo you can make out distinct figures. Firstly there seems to be 2 figures embracing. The figure on the left seems to have an arm raised whilst the figure to the right seems to have an arm around the other. To the left of these figures, there seems to be 2 people sat down with their backs towards us. The left figure seems to be toasting with his arm raised and a glass in his hand (zoom in for better look). There seem to be other faint images within this, like a face staring towards me (just above the toasting figure, again zoom needed). I suppose it could be a trick of lights but you have to admit that it’s a rather uncanny snap."