THIS PAINTING SOLD ON EBAY Mediums brought the spirit into the painting. She will often speak aloud to people who stare into the picture or even walk out of the painting and walk the house at night. Standing in full view of its empty, dark windows as twilight deepened, filled us with a sense of dread. The dull glow of a bloated moon peering through a curtain of trees gave relief to the gray bulk before us which quickly became enshrouded by Night. … Then we entered the darkness beyond the door, we called for the
Spirit to enter the painting, to try to help her …Help her from the home where she was no longer welcome. It worked in a way, but she still walks from the painting, but she is the artist. Three mediums did the job they was hired to do. The painting was removed from the mansion and put in storage for a few years. Donated to the Investigations Ghost hunting group in 2006 it is our newest arrival. Upon taking the photo's for the auction we noticed a face in the painting. Many strange events have been noted within the company of the painting. Nothing evil that we know of, but a lot of paranormal activity. We have a recorded EVP that we will try to have in this auction. Look close at the pictures and you will see the woman of the Main Street mansion.
Below you can see the face appear looking slightly to the left, but not as much as the other picture which she is looking straight on. The painting does not have this face painted on it. It was caught with the camera. The frame is included and is real wood.